A Bit About Me
Lavishly Loved . . .
I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a wife. I am a mom . . . and much more. But my foremost identity is as the beloved of the Most High God - Creator of all things and all people.  I wear different hats but I see through one viewpoint - God's WORD. And as I navigate life, I see the simplicity and applicability to daily living . . . and He calls me to WRITE!
A WORD-Based Approach
Living Life the Word Way
Personal Well-being & Growth
You were purposefully created to bring value to the lives of others. But you can only give what you have. Growth is an expectation, and well-being, a lifelong intention. Feeding the body, mind, soul, and spirit are therefore critical. For the physical body, we eat nutritious food, exercise and rest. For the intellect, we study to increase in knowledge and aptitude. God's WORD is our soul food!

We are social beings, created to live in the context of connectedness with other people. No one can thrive alone. We need one another. Our interactions with others, when healthy and meaningful, facilitate thriving for them and ourselves as well. How can we live well with others? God’s WORD gives us the blueprint for every type of human interaction.
The marriage institution is God's idea. Anything that originates from God must be good. Marriage, by God's design is the most intimate relationship between a man and woman . . . and intended to be a beautiful union. By the same token, it can be the most hurtful experience. To achieve the desired goal, God's WORD is our operational manual.

Family Life & Parenting
The family, being the micro unit of the larger society, is under siege. Dysfunction in the family, and adverse childhood events are becoming commonplace in the present society. The family should be one's safe place. The family should be the primary training ground for godly values. God's WORD is our guide and training manual.
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